
The Story of Glendhu Road

Glendhu Rd

An attractive 3 bedroom dwelling on 5 split levels enjoys a bush outlook over the Bayview valley

Our client required a rain water collection and storage tank system to supplement the reticulated supply. Full details are integrated in the project from the start.

A full set of plans and construction documents were prepared to support building consent applications and also as the building contractors working documents

as a client you will experience a computer simulated walk-through to get the feel of the place before work begins. Watch this video of the pre-build simulation for the Glendhu Road project.

Site Restrictions:

This house was designed to fit council site restrictions for the subdivision. The maximum height of 6m. Height in relation to boundary 2.5m/45deg. We achieved a two car garage, office, laundry, 3 bedrooms, en-suite, bathroom, kitchen, dining and lounge, over 5 split levels linked by 1.5m wide hall.